Friday, 21 March 2014

Birthday month

I always look forward to the month of March since its my birthday month.  As always I will plan several weeks ahead the type of cakes I would make for myself and never make them :).  I always find myself booked down with orders and end up not making the cake of my dreams.  Last year I was too tired to even bother and prayed that someone will surprise me with a cake.  As it turned out no one did so there was no cake on my birthday!!!  This year I promised myself that no matter what the circumstance I will cut a cake on my birthday.  It so happened that I had cake orders to deliver but I still made me a cake which had two things I liked; Bethy Boop and hexagon.

I took the cake to my work place to share with colleagues and they loved it.  I even got a request to repeat the design for another's birthday. 

Cheers and happy birthday to me :)!